Examining inalienable human rights and corporate rights.
Previous Workshops, Presentations and Film Screenings
Riki Ott lectures and gives workshops nationally and internationally, inspiring students from fifth grade through universities and adults to take action in their communities. She regularly presents at the annual Green Schools Conference and social studies conferences giving workshops for educators on how to teach the Activating My Democracy curriculum in their classrooms. Contact [email protected] to inquire about having Riki speak at your teacher in-service days, event or conference.
2020 Events:
Green Schools Conference 2020, Portland, Oregon
Workshop by Dr. Riki Ott
Title: Public Trust Doctrine & Tribal Sovereignty: Paths to Sustainability
Date: Monday March 2, 2020
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

New feature documentary directed by Bo Boudart about the life’s work of toxicologist, activist and Ultimate Civics co-founder Dr. Riki Ott appears at Film Festivals across the country
A CONCERNED CITIZEN documents the work of Dr. Riki Ott, a citizen activist who predicted the Exxon Valdez oil spill hours before it happened and came to the aid of her Alaskan community in their battle to get fair compensation for their loss of health and income. The film follows her journey organizing with Gulf coast communities as they struggle to recover from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster and take on the EPA and oil companies. The film also shows how other citizens and youth have taken her example after learning how to activate their rights through the civics curriculum she designed –to change and strengthen efforts at curbing oil pollution of America’s lands, rivers and coastal waters.
A CONCERNED CITIZEN film is distributed by Bullfrog Films, the leading U.S. publisher of independently-produced films about environmental and related social-justice issues.
Book a screening for your community, classroom or purchase the film for your home. Use your film screening of A CONCERNED CITIZEN as a tool for educating your community about civic engagement, corporate personhood and the importance of a robust civics education curriculum in U.S. schools. Resources available to support your event include a film flyer, screening guide and discussion questions. Book a screening, read reviews and learn more about the film here.
January 16-20, 2020 | Grass Valley, California
Cinema Verde Environmental Film & Arts Festival
February 13-16, 2020 | Gainsville, Florida
Poppy Jasper International Film Festival
April 1-8, 2020 | Morgan Hill & Gilroy, California
September 17, 2019 | Vashon, Washington
Film Screening and in person Q&A with Riki Ott after the film
Morehouse College of Human Rights Film Festival
Oct 10-12, 2019 | Atlanta, Georgia
United Nations Association Film Festival
Oct. 17-27, 2019 | San Francisco Bay Area, California
multiple locations around Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Stanford
October 25-26, 2019 | San Juan Islands – Friday Harbor, Washington
- Friday, October 25, 4:15pm
- Saturday, October 26, 2019 at 10:15 AM
For purchasing, licensing and screening the film http://aconcernedcitizen.bullfrogcommunities.com
contact: [email protected]