A one-day interactive training designed to equip community organizers and just plain disenfranchised Americans with knowledge and skills to understand how our democracy was hijacked, the human rights and values that lie at the core of real democracy, and how to take it back through designing an effective campaign. The training can get your community started on the work of amending our Constitution to restore constitutional rights and fair elections to the people.

Time: three 2.5-hour blocks with informal brown-bag Talking Circle lunch

Cost: $20 for the manual and associated documents. Links to videos and other resources also provided. PLEASE VISIT US IN JANUARY FOR OUR UPDATED VERSION OF ORGANIZING FOR CHANGE.

“Democracy is a work in progress­­­­ – it lives in the minds and hearts of ordinary citizens. It requires constant vigilance and constant work, but most people have forgotten the basic skills of “doing democracy.” ~ Riki Ott

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